The wonders of a great website seems to be a mystery to some but for others having a great web design is extremely important. When it comes to building out your business online, it’s imperative to execute your website development with the proper search engine optimization.
Your success depends on just how well your site ranks in the search engines. To avoid people not finding your website, you simply need to focus on the search engine optimization principles and develop a great strategy using website development and SEO planning.
Whether you’re a web designer, or want to hire someone who is, there is a lot of work that goes into correcting issues that come with owning a website. SEO can deliver amazing results, but if done incorrectly it can minimize the amount of success you experience.
Tying Website Kelowna SEO and Development Together
Don’t Confuse the Search with bad Navigation
Some people feel as if their navigation bar isn’t important, but that is the furthest from the truth. You never want to use flash navigation because most flash objects aren’t accessible or web-crawler friendly. Most search engines find it difficult to crawl websites that use flash. Avoid using obtrusive Javascript and CSS can do mostly the same thing that you are looking to do when it comes to the navigation menu.
Externalize Your Scripts
When you are having your website coded, you need to make sure that you are externalizing the CSS,as well as the Javascript.
When it comes to search engines, the way your site is viewed isn’t the same way your visitor would view it. Engines tend to view through whatever is contained in an HTML document. If you don’t externalize your CSS and Javascript several lines will be added on making crawl time slower. It’s all about speed when it comes to being crawled, and every search engine wants to get to the information as fast as they possibly can.
Search Engines Can Read-Use The Proper Content
No matter how you slice the pie, posting new articles often can and will get you ranked. It is the blood of every single website. It is what Kelowna search engine optimization eats when they are hungry for new information. When you dig into the web design of your site, you want to always take into consideration the structure of your articles.
When you have a website that doesn’t have many articles, that particular website tends to struggle in search results. In most cases,if you plan your article marketing out correctly, negative ranking results can be avoided.
Pretty URLs Make it Easier
Ugly URLs are hard to read, and they are also hard to remember. Search engine friendly URLs are URLs that are easy to crawl and contain the keyword that your content is about. It ties your SEO and website together page by page. It also allows you to post professional looking links across the web without overwhelming the reader.
Always Block Non-Indexable Pages
Usually, there are pages on your website that you may not want to be indexed. These pages could be pages that came along with your template or theme. Or they could be pages that have absolutely no value.
You never want to expose unwanted web pages to web robots. Duplicate posts and pages could cause penalties to fall in your lap if you don’t hide them. Plus, you don’t want to water down the access to your other important pages.
You can use a robots.txt file to prevent certain web pages from being indexed. If you have an environment that is being tested, you should use Wampserver or XAMPP to protect that section of your website from being indexed.
Always Use Your Keywords in Your Image Alt Attributes
Search engines read images. Making sure that you put your keywords within your alt attributes can help rank your website. When it comes to images, every alt attribution that you use must be W3C-compliant.
It’s important that you leave no stone unturned because search engines take alt attributes into consideration when crawling your website.
Use Meta Data
Descriptions, page titles, key phrases should never be the same. Whenever you change out the theme or template of your site, you should always tackle the metadata. If you don’t, you will have several pages with the same placeholder information. All pages on your website should have its own unique metadata. It’s all about the structure of your website. The better the structure the better the rankings.
Bottom Line
The only way to grab organic traffic is by building a structurally sound website. Optimizing your site doesn’t have to be hard, it just has to be taken seriously. Take your time or hire someone who specializes in website optimizing so your website gets the rankings it deserves.